刚刚才打开声音,原来这么 low……

话说,能区分出说话的人,是大陆广东,还是香港人么?我知道 Eastwood 那边有不少对中共有着迷之热爱的香港人……


RT @[email protected]

BREAKING: I held up a sign saying “Fuck Xi Jinping” while campaigning in the seat of Bennelong in Sydney with our candidate @[email protected] and Chinese ultra-nationalists assaulted me and an independent filmmaker. We are at the police station making statement on assault now

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DrewPavlou/status/

@fivestone could be in neither,他粵語之後還說了句(kind of但非常不標準的)閩南語粗口…鑒於很多非港粵華人也會粵語所以…即使說粵語也不好說來自哪x 更別說單單一句最常見的粗口…

@fivestone 咳,那對阿公阿嬤聽著有點像香港人(目移

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